I suck at writing.

#amwriting and I realized I suck.

Here’s my first tagline: Three friends. Three soldiers freshly home. Women looking for love online. What’s the worst that could happen?

My first book description: Michael is freshly home from Afghanistan, honorably discharged. Coming home to little Greensburg, Pennsylvania he was out of work and out of practice dating. But a soldier gets what he wants when he’s focused.

Natalie owns a toy store downtown Greensburg and is always looking for help. She and her friends are looking for help romantically. One day she puts an ad in online

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Starting over

When I first started this blog, I intended to use it to write about my journeys in writing. Instead, I used it to write about my whining and moaning about political topics–gun control, abortion, gay rights, etc.

Well, no more. I’m going to revamp the theme, and I’ve deleted all of my old posts and in 2014, we’re starting over.

So join me on just any venture–but the write venture!

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